This review on Monster Musume no Oishasan Contains spoilers. If you haven't seen the chapters, we recommend that you do so and then come back to read the review.

© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師 会

Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4: Lamia with an incurable disease

When Glenn returns to the clinic, he meets Sapphee, who claims to be pregnant. Glenn knows this is impossible, however, and so the conversation moves on to what actually happens. Sapphee was trying to heat an egg that her friend had recently given her. She said she found it and brought it to the clinic to be checked and serviced if necessary. However, since the egg is not fertilized, it does not need to be heated.

In the middle of the conversation, Sapphee watches several people outside the clinic. Bandit who followed Glenn after seeing him with Kunai. So the doctor and his assistant leave the clinic and take the egg with them. On their escape they meet Kunai, who tells them the whole story behind the mission that will take place that night. Meeting with Skadi and Lulala, something Glenn disagrees with as Lulala was recently sick. Interviewing Skadi to take advantage of the mermaid's situation to help him. Although it's the same mermaid who agreed to work with Skadi on this mission.

With most of the guards involved in the mission, the safest place for Glenn and Sapphee is Kunai and Skadi. Participate in the infiltration to stop the slave traders. While Kunai is stopping the leader, Skadi, Glenn and Sapphee enter the hideout and find the harpies trapped. One of them has a medical condition, which Glenn helps her without hesitation when Skadi and Sapphee confront the ex-mercenaries.

Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4
© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師 会

The "sacrifice" for peace

Something they in the previous episode With the appearance of Skadi and Kunai, it is the great job of the dragon lady to keep Lindworm as a great city where humans and monsters coexist. However, some "dirty" details have been shown behind how it can be kept that way Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4.

Among these, one of the most important is the one who uses Lulala as a kind of undercover agent. Like a spy. She monitors the central place in exchange for having this place to sing. When they see Skadi for themselves, she can't deny that she took advantage of the complicated situation the siren is going through. I have a feeling that it wasn't a decision that he made lightly and that he only saw once.

This made me think a little more about Skadi's personality. Because he was a little unnoticed due to his small appearance beforehand and his special way of communicating. Thanks however Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4 I could get a vague idea of ​​what his personality is like.

Again, based on the fact that she achieved the goal of seeing people and monsters live together in peace under the influence of another (be it a human or a monster). Skadi is someone who is very capable of contributing to this peace, out of both conviction and strength. However, their strength may be too great, which is why they suppress them, making them look more vulnerable and require a bodyguard. Eventually, some might disapprove of the use of this violence as a form of oppression and / or tyranny. His physical strength was more than shown Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4.

Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4
© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師

In the meantime, I feel that his personality and strength are "blocked". She either decided not to show it publicly or only to do it with certain close associates. Seems shy from a distance. It even seemed like it to me. Something that has changed in this chapter as I now think he has mental strength beyond expectations. You want to have peace between the species and do everything possible to achieve it and always try to keep others away from it. I want to do it alone. But realizing that you can't do it how you want to. Angry at herself for having to involve others in situations that could be quite dangerous.

Maybe Skadi needs to trust others more, be they humans or monsters. Although I don't feel like it is not at all. After all, I think she's more open with Kunai in her curious relationship. Something I see has to do with the reason she chose to be his bodyguard. Perhaps over time he will begin to further develop the series and show his true self. It remains to be seen how his relationship with others will evolve. Highlighting his relationship with Glenn as he is a person who is valued by various monsters and / or viewed as someone who is exemplary and necessary for a coexistence between people and monsters.

The benefits of war

Something I liked Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4 states that in addition to their already typical medical moments, when they talk a little more about the anatomy of monsters, this time they focused more on the story. Include past and present. The best example was the "advantages" mentioned above that war brings. Some are entirely related to the economic burial, either with weapons or with mercenaries / soldiers. Because there is ultimately work to be done in building weapons, armor, fortresses, etc.

Although there are some specific jobs that benefit the most in war conflicts. Others can feed themselves in wartime by being jobs that are always needed. Of course, there are also some that get more difficult. Former mercenaries are a clear example of a job that has benefited from war but is in decline with the absence of war. Since the vast majority only know how to do this work, in peacetime it falls under the cloak of the forbidden and illegal. Everything to keep your lifestyle going.

However, there are others who, despite being or having been mercenaries, have adapted to the new way of life. How would the Scythian House. As former centaur mercenaries, they now work in the transportation and / or entertainment industries at the Colosseum. Having a more open mindset and being ready to move forward and not get stuck is a useless and unnecessary pride that they could once have had.

© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師

Sapphee and Glenn's relationship

Though they have given enough clues as to the relationship between the two with what was mentioned in Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4 You can now confirm and know the disease that Sapphee had for so long. To be in love with the doctor. Sure, there was no confession as such, but I think Sapphee's feelings are obvious. Glenn himself may have already noticed this. Something that would make a little more sense to you, playing games and / or disagreeing on some things beyond a doctor-assistant relationship.

For example, the action Sapphee had in bed with Glenn couldn't resist. Unfortunately, he still hadn't recovered from the poison. Even so, Glenn showed no signs of resistance or unwillingness. Their main concern was what would happen if they were discovered.

Detail that I liked about the figure, especially since I no longer have a romantic relationship with Lamia or any other monster girl. It even only delayed the conversation about the "engagement" with Tisalia. He did not fully deny that there was no opportunity.

Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4
© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師 会

To make matters worse while Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4, Glenn also faced Skadi when he realized he was taking advantage of Lulala's situation. Though Kunai was in place. Keep her away from questioning Skadi about her "deal" with Lulala. Despite the fact that she is so recognized by everyone and has an excellent political position in Lindworm. I was also very pleased with this detail about Glenn's personality. Be direct when one of his patients or even someone close to him is affected by others.

Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4
© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師 会

Let's not forget why Glenn became a doctor either. Sapphee was the first patient to have his new arrival in his home when she was a “hostage” to Litbeits. Although he knew the secret of her and the Neikes family.

Which, by the way, broke my theory that it was something noble to keep sapphee at the litbeits as I had imagined. At least not as much as I thought, but I still feel like a small part was like that. Since neither family attacked the other, they simply watched each other. Without the maid, of course, who poisoned Sapphee on her own.

Monster Musume no Oishasan Details - Chapter 4

The fluidity of the animation in the movements (of the characters or the environment that surrounds them) doesn't convince me at all. The water through which Lulala pulled them on the way to infiltration did not seem to me to be water. As much as I gave him an opportunity in hopes of making improvements in this regard, he remains the same so I can imagine and believe that he will continue down this path for the rest of the time Monster Musume no Oishasan.

However, this is not the main animation topic that has come to my attention the most Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4. Well, this episode, unlike the previous ones, had a lot more action in general. With different fights between ex-mercenaries and different types of monsters. Although the battles weren't bad, I feel like they weren't good. I feel like they changed or left out moments that added depth to each of these struggles.

© ・ 口 良 乃 ・ Z ト ン / 集 英 社 ・ リ ン ド ヴ ル ム 医師 医師 会

For example, the confrontation between Kunai and the leader of the ex-mercenaries. It should be remembered that Kunai is widely known in the Colosseum for her fighting ability. What the ex-mercenary leader achieved (and even slightly overshadowed). Which was not even mentioned as an antagonist. Yes it was the bad guy. But he only appeared in one scene and it didn't seem like he was dangerous, even though he really was.

Another thing in animation that made me want more was the fan service in Monster Musume no Oishasan - Chapter 4. As I mentioned in previous reviews, the illustrator of the light novel participated in adult content, so many of his voices and drawings have that provocative and engaging touch when needed. But during the Glenn and Sapphee bed scene, I didn't feel the provocative side that I could easily have. After all, she is an attractive lamia and reckons that she has not had all of the clothes we usually see her in. Related to the look of a corset that has just been removed / loosened to better show its attractions.

I have a feeling that between censorship and the fluidity of movements in animation Monster Musume no Oishasan it won't shine as much as it could have been. Of course, I don't think adaptation will be bad either. At least not at the moment.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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