Since the first season of My hero academia Viewers learned about the complex relationship from Shoto and his father Enji, aka Endeavor. The current number one hero has never been seen as a model father, let alone a good husband, but now he intends to remedy that situation.
The second episode of the fifth season of My Hero Academia focuses not only on the deadly fight between the Endeavor-Hawks couple and the villain Dabi, but also on the one dark past around the flame hero.
Endeavor has driven his family to despair in an effort to create the next generation’s strongest hero – a hero who can surpass even the unattainable All Might. Shoto, who was chosen to fulfill this dream, devoted himself to education, far from his brothers and the common life of a child, while his wife Rei even went mad. But now Enji Todoroki wants to pose Remedy for mistakes made in the past.
After the brutal fight against the high end Nomu, Endeavor suffered a very serious wound on his face, very similar to that of his son Shoto. The hero takes advantage of a moment when he managed to get close to his three children Shoto, Natsuo and Fuyumi and swears to them that he will be able to do so “Atonement for His Sins”and ensure a bright future for his family.
After breaking loose fromShadow of the peace symbol All Might, who retired from the scene after fighting All For One, Endeavor finally seems to have moved on and ready to write a new chapter for his family. But will she really be able to keep the promise she made to her three children?
In the meantime, Endeavor still has a lot to do with dabi, that’s why. We discover the mysterious mission that Hawks undertook in My Hero Academia.