The non-canon anime Super Dragon Ball Heroes has just entered a new story arc, the “space-time war” that has brought Goku into a mysterious universe where some of his strongest rivals are present. However, among them is a mysterious fighter wearing a mask.
In the first episode of the new saga, Kakarot wakes up in theParallel universe created by Fu, a mysterious place closely tied to Universe 7, where some of the opera’s most powerful fighters have been projected. Although there is no trace of Vegeta, Freeza and Cooler set out to attack their eternal rival.
Unexpectedly Hearts appear too, a former antagonist who now appears to have sided with Goku. As he said, he is trying to stop Fu from using the Universe Seed, and because of this, he has rushed to the aid of his old enemy, the only one who can fight the mad scientist.
However, the four warriors on the battlefield are guarded from above by a mysterious wearing of a mask. Who is it about? In the summary of the relevant chapter of the manga that the user DBS Chronicles shared on Twitter, we discover that this mysterious character is actually a Saiyan who easily eliminates Freeza and Cooler.
If this is new to the anime, then in the world of the Dragon Ball Heroes video game, players will have to deal with the concept of repeatedly Masked Saiyanfrom Broly to King Vegeta and Baddack. Is whoever appeared in the episode one of these or some other sensational return? And what does this dark object on the face mean? Let’s find out why an old Super Dragon Ball Heroes antagonist sided with Goku.