Warning! This review on Yesterday wo Utatte chapters six and sevens contain spoilers. If you haven’t seen them yet, I recommend you go check them out and then come back to read the review.
Yesterday wo Utatte
Chapter 5: A young woman named Yuzuhara
Yesterday wo Utatte he has continued the rhythm of chapter five by inserting another passing character. These characters that come and go have undoubtedly left a lot to think about. Our new passenger in this drama is Yuzuhara, Rikou’s ex-girlfriend. In unfortunate events he has had to put her up at his house giving us a great topic of conversation. There is nothing between them other than vague memories of high school, yet this does not prevent their presence from causing trouble for Rikuo. A cold brings Shinako and Haru to Rikou’s home, both enraged at finding a new intruder next to him. Apparently Shinako becomes aware of how she feels about Rikou, will she be able to move on?
Chapter Seven: A Premonition for Lovers
There is nothing you enjoy more than decision making. In this last episode he has left me with little open and extremely anxious for the next installment. Shinako seems to wake up, she can’t keep running from what she feels and less from living. Rou is a boy who knows what he wants just like Haru, but what they want does not correspond to them. Not losing your convictions gives you strength to fight for what resists them. This determination has come to Shinako. The conversation between Rikou and his friend makes it clear that in Yesterday wo Utatte They want us to believe that the course of life is determined by what we want. The wedding and the close-ups between this pair each time make it clear that they just need a push.
I am a parasite
Yuzuhara came to show us what selfishness is. Commonly we use this word in a derogatory way, as an evil qualifying adjective, this label is inevitable for any human being. The origin of selfish acts is uncertain for each man. Sometimes it is falling in love, sometimes survival, sometimes running in circles, all this arises from desire. Wanting someone, wanting to live, wanting a memory, in the end are kinds of desire that determine our actions, at least that’s how Shopenhauer thought. Anyone would agree if this sounded just as beautiful when we said that at the same time that we desire we usually use others.
I am a parasite were the words Yuzuhara used to explain his presence in Rikou’s house. She had sought him out for shelter for a time. His dark story revealed that she had thrown him out in high school. The reason was not what he believed, she just wanted to be with someone else. Admiring the disaster he had caused between Shinako and Rikou, Yuzuhara decides to leave leaving a rather cold note. That’s right, he used Rikou, but left so as not to cause him any more misunderstandings. We are used to believing that the acts of others have some necessary relationship with us. We call the egoists without knowing anything about them, their reasons or desires. We tend to believe that we use others only because we don’t know where we are going.
Shinako was the most affected by this unforeseen visit. It has become apparent that he somehow has noble feelings for Rikou. Her jealousy showed us that she really is waiting for him. Think of being selfish by tying him to her without having anything to give her. Her mistake hinders her from acting. Egoism does indeed exist, but its connotation is not necessarily bad. Desiring is not all that controls us, human acts are determined by desire but also by this rational part that dictates the good and the bad. No one can get rid of this yoke, but we can make our lives easier by being honest and honest with ourselves. Such a task is not always simple, but it is satisfactory.
Do you wanna pass
This question was Shinako’s bottom line at the end of chapter seven. The context is easy to explain. She really ended up shocked by Yuzuhara. This entire chapter is packed with arguments about deciding to act. Making decisions is something we usually think of as determined or conditioned. Rikou has been waiting to learn more about photography to compare a good camera, he has not realized that buying the camera puts him one step closer to being a photographer. This last part is what I want to pay attention to.
Knowing where we are going sheds light on what we need to do to get there. It is clear that if we do not know our goal, making decisions that put us close to it is difficult. It may be the case that even if we have vague wishes, even if we are clear about where we want to go, we do not make the relevant decisions. The reasons for acting in the latter way can be variable. In Rikou it is insecurity and indecision, in Shinako it is fear. She has admitted it, her attempts to escape from others to take refuge in the memory of her deceased loved one are only pretexts to hide what she feels.
When what we feel outweighs the circumstances, it seems that they have cornered us and that the only escape is to put aside the insecurities and fears to decide to live. The last lesson Shinako gave us is memorable. Taking the initiative shows us that wandering is nothing more than a personal condition. Letting go is a step that no one can take on our own. I very much doubt that there is anything in this life for which we alone are not responsible. When we are clear about the latter, life is simpler and happier.
Final conclusions of Yesterday wo Utatte
These last two chapters of Yesterday wo Utatte They have given us important lessons. It is not a very striking anime I have said it repeatedly, however, his way of arguing and his arguments themselves, have not stopped giving us enough material to reflect on what adult life means. All the problems developed in this story are related to maturity. Growing up is not a pleasant process, being aware of who we want to be and where we are going to achieve it is easy, but in reality it is exhausting and overwhelming. We who are a generation with high dispositions have not clearly learned about adult life.
The series begins to take shape and without a doubt I have finished putting my faith in it. We are right in the middle and what we hope for at the end can be unforgettable. Keeping track of this anime will shed light on what’s to come, so the invitation to follow this anime is still open, now more than ever. This anime has shown me that every story can take unexpected turns even when it’s linear and predictable. Make decisions, if they are good or bad it is of more, what is important is learning to take responsibility for them. I await your opinions as in every review.