On the official manga page of Suzu Enoshima and illustrated by Rumiwo Sakaki, Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endou-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-santhe cover of the second compilation volume was published, which will be released in Japan on July 31. This is the manga adaptation of the light novels of the same name.

Enoshima and Sakaki started publishing the manga in the magazine B’s LOG COMIC from the publisher Kadokawa in June 2019. The publisher published its first compilation volume on April 10.

Synopsis of Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte with Jikkyou no Endou-kun with Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san

Externally, the Otome gaming villain Liselotte looks uncomfortable in every way and is a purely evil character. However, as his diary shows, he always hid his pain and true feelings for Prince Siegward. Finally, while keeping this secret, an evil witch possesses her, which leads to her disappearance, a tragic end for the more healthy villain. This is how the story of the MagiKoi game is written.

Members of the Aoto Endou and Shihono Kobayashi radio clubs decide to play this game. In another universe, Prince Siegward listens to their voices and believes that it is a divine revelation from the gods. These voices lead him to something he hasn't noticed in any game before: that Liselotte is really very adorable!

© 恵 ノ 島 す 著 (著), え い イ (イ ラ ス ト) / KADOKAWA


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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