The cover of the thirteenth compilation volume of the manga adaptation of the light novels written by Tarou Hitsuji and illustrated by Kurone Mishima, Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records (also known as Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor), which is being carried out by Aosa Tsunemi, and whose launch is scheduled for next June 26.

Hitsuji and Mishima began publishing the light novels through the label Fantasia Bunko from the publisher Fujimi Shobo in July 2014. The publisher published the sixteenth volume on January 18.

The novels are being adapted to manga by Aosa Tsunemi, who serializes the manga in the magazine Monthly Shonen Ace from the publisher Kadokawa since March 2015. The publisher will publish the thirteenth compilation volume on June 26.

The work inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. Liden Films, under the direction of Minato Kazuto and scripts written by Touko Machida, released in April 2017.

Synopsis of Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records

Sistine Fibel and her best friend Rumia Tingel are students of a prestigious magical academy, where Sistine aspires to be trained to discover the secrets of the mysterious "Floating Castle", in accordance with her grandfather's last wishes.

When his favorite instructor retires, his replacement, Glenn Radars, turns out to be less than everything Sistine expected. The "Magic Bastard Trainer" appears to be lazy, incompetent, and not very well versed in magic, and he is not even certified as an instructor nor does he have a great position in the wizard guild. However, what they don't know is that he hides his true power and that he is a former assassin who was in the service of the Magical Corps of the Imperial Court.

Source: Official site

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Sweety Otaku

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