The narrative universe of DCeased will see a new story by Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairshine, Stefano Gaudiano and Gigi Baldissini. It will be called DCeased: Dead Planet, and will be a real sequel to the previous adventure.

DC Comics previewed several boards and the synopsis of the first issue, which we report below:

"Does life exist after anti-life? After an anti-life equation had transformed billions of people into monsters - including the greatest heroes on Earth - our planet was already beautiful and dead. Years later, a request for Damian Wayne, Jon Kent and Cassie Sandsmark - Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman from Earth 2 - are rescued on a dead planet ... but what will this new Justice League find waiting for them? If life still exists on Earth, who - or what - Are you waiting for these heroes? The original creative team of Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine get together for the sequel to the 2019 blockbuster series, DCeased! "

The official description shows that a distress call is what brings our heroes back to Earth. Following the events of the original series, Damian Wayne took on the identity of Batman, Jon Kent became Superman and Cassie Sandsmark the new Wonder Woman. From the cover, moreover, it seems that they will make copies with John Costantine and Swamp Thing.

DC Costantine: Comic series arrives from one of the creators of The Boys. DC Comics has announced three new Dark Nights spin-offs: Metal.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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