Although they recently debuted in the fall anime program, Jujutsu Kaisen has already won the hearts of fans. As proof of this, a spectacular cosplay has arrived, paying homage to one of the protagonists of the series, Gojo.

Satoru Gojo made his debut in the animated series after Yuji Itadori picked up one of the cursed fingers of the demonic entity called Sukuna. It was only thanks to his intervention that the protagonist survived the death sentence and managed to enter the jujutsu tech. In a short time, Gojo therefore proved to be a fundamental figure for Yuji.

To pay tribute to this new animated series, cosplayer Reika_Japan shared her phenomenal attitude towards gojo on Instagram. The girl managed to perfectly immerse herself in the role of the teacher, who has a simple, but effective appearance. From the headscarf over her eyes to her silver hair and her black jacket, Reika reflects Gojo's female counterpart.

Currently, Gojo has been proving quite strict with Yuji, forcing him to run a movie marathon to improve his skills. But despite the blindness, fans are excited to see him in all his might. Gojo steps into action in the preview of the next episode of Jujutsu Kaisen. A mysterious character will return in the sixth episode of Jujutsu Kaisen.

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I am done with my work! I'm going home now! I am tired! # J θ‘“ ε»» 戦 # 五村 ju #jujutsukaisen #gojyo #gojyosatoru #cosplay # re γ‚Ή re re #reika #reikaarikawa

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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