For over two years, Weekly Shonen Sunday – a magazine that, to be clear, sees titles of the caliber Detective Conan and Komi Can't Communicate in its ranks – has been able to rely on a manga very atypical of its genre, a fantasy but with very strong slice -of-life shades. Sousou no freezing enchanted everyone, audiences and critics alike.
Freezing has won several awards in recent years. The manga can also count on respectable numbers with hundreds of thousands of copies sold per volume. And now he can count on another great ally: the Sousou no Freezing anime has been made official. After the leaks of the past few months and the rumors of the last few days, an official Twitter channel and website has been opened on which the first poster of Freeze: After the Journey's End anime.
The protagonist is obviously the elven sorceress with her inscrutable gaze, wand in hand, dress and white hair silhouetted against the moon behind her on a magical night. Of course, everyone is celebrating the event, including designer Tsukasa Abe. For this occasion, the mangaka who takes care of the illustrations of the manga published his drawing in Freeze, Fern and Starkthe three protagonists of the story.
Miscellaneous Freeze anime information will arrive in the next few months.
- 『葬送のフリーレン』アニメ公式 (@anime_freeze) September 13, 2022
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Freeze: Beyond Journey's End anime has been officially confirmed and now has a website:
Below is artwork commemorating the anime announcement by artist Tsukasa Abe:
Image © Tsukasa Abe / Kanehito Yamada / SHOUGAKUKAN Shougakukan Weekly Edition (@Wsstalkback) September 13, 2022