On the official website for the animated adaptation of the manga No Guns Life, which is written and illustrated by Takusu Karasuma, it was revealed that the second season of the series will premiere during the next month of July through the Japanese television station TBS. Originally, the series was going to be released in April but its broadcast had to be suspended due to production problems caused by the pandemic situation in Japan.
Karasuma began publishing the manga in the magazine Ultra Jump from the publisher Shueisha in August 2014. The publisher published the ninth compilation volume on September 24. The first season of the anime adaptation premiered in October 2019.
Production team
Synopsis from No Guns Life
After the war, many "Extends" inhabit the city now, people whose bodies were modified to become dangerous weapons.
Inui Juuzou is one of them, and has no memories of his past life and body before his head was turned into a weapon. Stranger still, his gun-head cannot be manipulated by him, but only someone behind him can pull his trigger.
Juuzou then decides to make a living investigating cases related to the "Extends" in the city, assisted by Mary, an intelligent girl whom he has decided to protect.
Source: AIR News
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