The My Hero Academia manga recently mentioned the three anime films in the series, making its protagonists definitively canon. On the occasion of this event, which combines the series by Kohei Horikoshi with the trilogy of original feature films produced by Studio BONES, the Screenwriter Yosuke Kuroda is back to talk about World Heroes Mission.
In addition to six animated seasons tracing the events of Horikoshi's manga, the The animation studio behind the My Hero Academia adaptation has produced three anime films. The first, My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, was released in 2017, the second, My Hero Academia Heroes: Rising, in 2019, and the third and final, My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission, in 2021.
In the last of this trilogy, Deku faces off against an organization of criminals called Humarise who intend to eradicate the Quirks from the world. The Screenwriter who worked on the film has revealed why BONES thought of a global threatRather than being confined to Japanese territory as in the original series or to an unreleased location as in the other feature films.
As revealed by Yosuke Kuroda, a Kohei Horikoshi proposed the idea of a global threat, after which Deku and his companions are destined as future Pro Heroes to work around the world. My Hero Academia World Heroes Mission is therefore timely and allows Class 1-A to work alongside some of the best professional heroes from around the world to protect the planet from the villain threat. By the way, did you know that one of the protagonists of My Hero Academia World Heroes Mission is inspired by a Disney character?