L’My Hero Academia Anime He is now immersed in the devastating war between heroes and villains, a battle that leaves no way out and that will revolutionize Japanese society forever. While Endeavor and Mirko battle the Nomu, Hawks instead fights whoever can cause him the most trouble.
After Hawks infiltrated the enemy ranks, they managed to steal them Secrets of the Supernatural Liberation Front and communicate them to his superiors. As the heroes’ advance launches its assault, Hawks once again proves fundamental to the operation’s success. Aware of the great power in Twice’s dowry, he stops him immediately before unleashing his Sad Man’s Parade. However, Dabi rushes to defend Bubaigawara.
Hawks suggested that Twice surrender and serve his sentence. However, Dabi’s intervention allows Twice to escape the hero’s grasp, who is therefore forced to do his duty. In My Hero Academia 6×03 we witness the first war casualties. but How did Daby know about Hawks’ move?
Dabi reveals he never trusted him, despite his attempts to honor the front, and has always kept an eye on him. For Hawks Dabi it is the worst possible matchupsince his feathers are charred upon contact with the blue fire generated by the villain’s Quirk.
That its majestic wings have almost turned to ash and Hawks can no longer move as fast as he is known to. Its ability to defend against enemy attacks has therefore dropped dramatically, but not only. Hawks can no longer cock his feather sword, and feather barrage is completely useless against Dabi’s blue flames. Could Hawks be the next to die in My Hero Academia 6×04?
Dabi and Twice VS Hawks#MyHeroAcademia Season 6 Episode 3 pic.twitter.com/z2UFRHXp5m
– RisingNews (@risingnews_) October 16, 2022