During the "Sabbath Tonic" music event held online through the platform Stage crowd written and illustrated by the anime adaptation of the manga Yukiwo, Jashin-chan dropkickIt has been announced that the franchise will hold a fundraiser in September to produce a third season of the anime.
For its part, Yukiwo publishes the manga on the website Comic meteor from the publisher Flex Comix since April 2012. The publisher published the fourteenth compiled volume of the manga on April 11th.
The piece inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. nomad, Headed by Hikaru Sato and scripts from Kazuyuki Fudeyasu and Momoko MurakamiA second season has aired on Japanese television with the same production team since April 6, and published all episodes simultaneously on the platform Amazon Prime Video.
Jashin-chan Dropkick Synopsis
The story revolves around Yurine Hanazono, a student who calls Jashin-chan, a demon from the underworld. Now they have to live together in an apartment in the Jinbouchou district of Tokyo. When Yurine dies, Jashin-chan is free to return to Hell, so he keeps trying to murder her.
Source: Otakomu
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