Food Wars 5, the last season of the anime based on the manga of Yuko Tsukuda, will air again in a few months according to what revealed a few moments ago from the official website of the work. JC Staff had promised updates on the weekend of May 16, 2020 but, not wanting to leave the fans waiting, he preferred to anticipate the announcement of a few days.

The press release published by the English version of the site differs slightly from the original one, in which the producers reported that "The fifth season it will not resume broadcasting before July 2020". In the English version which can be consulted at the bottom of the article, however, it is reported that"The airing of the fifth season of Food Wars that began in April 2020 will resume in July, with the broadcast of the third episode". The Japanese version therefore does not certify the month of July as the official release period.

We remind you that Food Wars 5 is visible in Italy on the streaming site Crunchyroll, and that the synopsis reads as follows: "It has been announced that a world cooking competition "The Blue" will be held soon. There are three places up for grabs for the Totsuki Culinary Institute. With that seat at stake, a "Blue Prequel" will be held for all students of the academy. Everyone is welcome and many students will be happy to participate. Who will be the three winners chosen by the 99 judges? A battle royale between the chefs on the "soup" theme is about to begin".

And what do you think of it? Are you following this anime? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below! In case you haven't done it yet, don't miss the chance to take a look at the main differences between the Food Wars series and the Tsukuda manga.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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