The new series Marvel Comics, Black Cat, is already making headlines by showcasing a large number of characters and a powerful enemy. Let’s find out together the new costume Black Cat is available for the occasion.
In the first volume of the saga, we witnessed Black Cat attempting a robbery while she was involved in the sagaAttack on Earth by Knull. With the arrival of the enemy monsters and because of the woman’s curiosity, she can be dragged onto the battlefield along with the numerous Marvel heroes, including them Captain America and Doctor Strange. Unfortunately, the latter is soon swallowed by one of the opposing creatures and the remaining heroes are defeated one by one.
Felicia Hardy will flee on charges of the legendary hero of the new continent looking for a way to save Doctor Strange. This will turn them into Alchemax and Dr. Bring Steven to whom she will ask for help. While we don’t yet know how Black Cat can do its job, a clear clue is shown to us at the end of the tape.
In the preview of the next pages From the story we see the woman wearing one Symbiote in the form of a gray dress reminiscent of the classic thief’s costume. Unfortunately, there is still no information on how Felicia came into possession of the dress, so we are waiting for the next volume.
What do you think of the new costume? Leave us a comment.
In case you’re interested, here is news on the new Marvel Comics series dedicated to Alien, as well as some information on the new Marvel villain that appeared in King in Black.