Among the great classics of the 90s, born from the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, there is the story of the young Dai. After an anime aired decades ago, the Dragon Quest remake was announced last year: Come on - The Great Adventure, during the Jump Festa held in December 2019. But what happened to this anime?

During the past months, in fact, no information has been given on Dragon Quest: Come on - The Great Adventure. Certainly Coronavirus has slowed down the production and consequently the release of information of various kinds. However, the Gematsu website shared important information with fans about a live stream that will arrive on May 27th.

In fact, that day they will be disclosed new information about the Dragon Quest anime: Come on - The Great Adventure. The livestream will be on Youtube and will be held on May 27 at 20:00 with Japanese time zone, then around 13:00 in Italy. The anime is currently slated for fall 2020, though the constant postponements of the spring and summer shows could lead to a postponement of Dragon Quest: Come on - The Great Adventure to 2021.

Meanwhile, let's rediscover the great classic of the world of Dragon Quest.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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