In TOEI Animation’s original plans, the community should have experienced the events of by now Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. However, due to a hacker attack, the anime film’s debut was pushed back to June 11, forcing the Japanese house to commit to releasing additional promotional material.
Curiosity about the 3DCG anime movie is skyrocketing. Based on the information that has surfaced so far, the Z Warriors, with a particular focus on Gohan, Piccolo and Pan fight the return of the Red Ribbon and their monstrous androids.
The main antagonists of the film seem to be them two projects by Doctor Hedo, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 recently featured in Dragon Ball Legends artwork. However, it appears to be a red herring. The real enemy, it seems, will be the Perfect Being Cell.
Before jumping to conclusions, TOEI has released new promotional images that certify the presence of four characters, especially the Shenron Dragon. So in the movie someone will use the Dragon Balls to summon the Dragon of Desires. Who will have summoned the dragon?
In the posters we also see krillin working as a police officer. Will he return to fight for the good of the earth? Finally, the last two artworks are dedicated to the highly anticipated characters from the fandom.
In the third poster we see Obtain, with a character design increasingly similar to that of paternal grandmother Gine. Finally, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s Fat Gotenks is shown in his proud pose for the umpteenth time. Goten and Trunks will certainly fail the mergerbut will they then be able to perform the dance perfectly?
NEW LOOK at Shenron, Krillin, Goten and Fat Gotenks from #DragonBallSuperSuperHero!
– SUPERγ―γγγ―γ«ξ¨ (@DBSChronicles) April 29, 2022
(πΈ: @guernicass4)