The Japanese cinema debut of Dragon Ball Super: Superhero, scheduled for June 11th, is fast approaching. Produced by TOEI Animation, the new feature film of the franchise will feature innovative animations, already shown in the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero trailer, which have divided fans: as with all news, there are those who appreciate them and those who appreciate them to hate .
The film's debut is accompanied by a extensive merchandise, ranging from the most classic gadgets (pens, trading cards, figurines) to collaborations with well-known brands and food products. The latest merchandise items are the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero mineral water bottles.
Next to them the Collectible medals from the film, made of plastic with a glued-on illustration of one of the protagonists. A tweet from @DBS Chronicles reveals four of the characters present on the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero medals, namely Goku, Gohan, Pan and Magenta, a member of the Red Ribbon Army.
Red Band Army who, as we all know, will be the main antagonist of the Z Warriors in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. The film will also see the return to the battle of Gohan, who will be the main character along with his teacher Piccolo. Will Goku's son be able to withstand the new threat? We just have to wait for themJune 11th find out.
The film hits Japanese theaters on June 11th!
(πΈ: @guernicass4) SUPERγ―γγγ―γ«ξ¨ (@DBSChronicles) May 1, 2022