who more and who less, Dragon Ball has shaped the lives of millions of children. For this reason, some enthusiasts decide to pay homage to the enduring and timeless work of Akira Toriyama, which is now being continued in the hands of the Toyotaro heir.
Whether you were born in the 80's or are a millennial, Dragon Ball will surely have been a part of your life. there The story of Goku and the Z Fighters continues to enjoy great popularity and more and more fans decide to go crazy in honor of the most iconic shonen of all time.
Just a few days ago we told you about a Dragon Ball enthusiast's tattoo dedicated to Bulma and Piccolo, but this time it goes one step further. As we see at the end of the article, a fan commissioned a custom garage for one special livery that pays homage to Dragon Ball Super, and in particular the most used transformation in this new series. So one guy decided to put his Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X in the hands of Street Mayhem Wraps.
The result is simply extraordinary and the car will certainly not go unnoticed on the streets. From a classic black color, the tenth generation of Evo has become light blue, with Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue on one side and Goku Super Saiyan Blue on the other. In the past, another fan honored Dragon Ball with this livery on his Alfa Romeo instead.
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