THE three prequel chapters of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Are completed. The saga conceived by Toyotaro and Toriyama focused on the school and superhero adventures of Goten and Trunks, who had finally reached their teens and were therefore able to withstand the shockwave of much stronger opponents. However, there is now room for two more figures.
Gohan and Piccolo open the new chapter with one Cover and a coloring page for Dragon Ball Super 91, the next chapter in the series. This time, Toyotaro will focus on narrating the events of the film, so the focus will be everything that was seen in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero and therefore can also be known by those who prefer to follow the manga exclusively . But are there differences?
DBSChronicles, a well-known fan of the series and also a well-known leaker in the Dragon Ball sphere, has been sharing some spoilers related to Dragon Ball Super 91 for the past few days, giving an idea of ββwhat would have happened before the official release. Apparently he also decided to do a little synopsis to anticipate the differences from the film. Basically there is one Krillin's backstory Cop who was not in the film while Chapter 91 of Dragon Ball Super focuses on him retell the first 19 minutes of the superhero filmwho narrates Gamma 2's attack on Piccolo.
So, considering the trend, this isn't a saga that's going to be particularly long. Gohan and Piccolo will also have their place in this installment of the series, recapturing the lead role that has really been missed for too many years.