Dragon ball is the flagship of a generation of fans who grew up between the 90s and 2000s, a task that is now entrusted to the current sequel titled Dragon Ball Super. But if we went back to the pulp magazine era in the first half of the 20th century, what would the work have been like?
For those who are not familiar Pulp magazine, also commonly known as “Junk literature“They were nothing more than business magazines of the first half of the 20th century, in which various stories were a bit serialized Weekly shonen jump today. Comics therefore arise from their roots, even if the target of the so-called pulp was a purely adult audience.
A fan, a certain one Astor Alexanderwanted to reinterpret the franchise from Dragon Ball in the pulp magazine keyand dedicated some special covers to Akira Toriyama’s masterpiece. One of them is dedicated to the historical confrontation between Bardak and Freeza, while the other 3 is dedicated to the particular saga of the androids from their birth to the showdown with Trunks. The fans really appreciated the illustrations in question, thanks in large part to a particularly charming style despite the retro atmosphere.
As for you, what do you think of this Dragon Ball-themed fan art instead, but at Pulp magazine time? As usual, let us know what you think in the section dedicated to comments at the bottom of the page. But as for androids, have you looked at this interesting theory about # 17 and # 18?
This is a live action adaptation that I would do! by r / Dragonballsuper