The first installments from Dr. Stone: Stone Wars are already available in Crunchyroll CatalogIn addition, the unpublished opening of the second part of the work conceived by Riichiro Inagaki was also shared on Twitter.

To publish it on the famous social platform, there is the @WSJ_manga account, which allowed its followers to hear and see the opening theme of the Episodes of Dr. Stone. The Fujifabric group wrote and performed the piece entitled “Rakuen“while the attached images allow us to review the protagonists of the anime’s upcoming events. Instead, the final theme of the episodes has not yet been published, which will be revealed at the end of the second episode. The tweet you can find at the bottom of the news , has met with some success with over two thousand likes and more than 600 comments Some fans who particularly enjoyed the song while others would have preferred a livelier piece.

As we expected, the eleven episodes are the second season of work by Riichiro Inagaki will be available in the Crunchyroll catalog, even in Italy premium users of the service can already have the first episode entitled “Stone Wars begin“while the others have to wait until January 21st.

If you have not read them yet, we would like you to hear our first impressions of Dr. Stone: Stone Wars point out.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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