The platform Crunchyroll has posted a special video about the production process of the anime adaptation of the webtoon, which was written and illustrated by Yongje Park, The god of high school. The video shows the inside of the studios MAPPA as a special look at the "behind the scenes" of this series.
Cast of votes
- Tatsumaru Tachibana like Jin Mori, a 16-year-old boy whose taekwondo training has made him invincible. Nothing is more important to him than becoming the best fighter in the world. He decides to take part in the "God of High School" tournament after losing to one of the judges for the first time in his life.
- Kentarou Kumagai like Han Daewi, one of the "Mad Cows", a duo that once controlled the entire area of Gangnam. He also participates in "God of High School" after being promised that if he wins, he can save his best friend.
- Ayaka Ohashi like Yoo Mira, the 25th Moonlight Sword Style Master. She pretends to be a frail student, but actually has enough power to sweep the floor with a group of criminals. In order to find a potential husband who gives him strong offspring, he enters the "god of high school".
Production team
- Sunghoo Park is responsible for directing the anime in the studios MAPPA.
- Yoshimura Kiyoko is responsible for the composition of the series.
- Manabu Akita (Kakegurui) is responsible for the character design.
- Arisa Okehazama is responsible for the composition of the soundtrack.
- Sola Entertainment Production is credited.
Synopsis of the god of high school
The series follows a student and his friends as they take part in an epic tournament, draw strength from the gods themselves, and at the same time uncover the plans of a mysterious organization ... With the promise to fulfill their deepest desires, each of them He has his own motivation to win this tournament.
Source: Crunchyroll
© 2020 Crunchy Onigiri, LLC Based on the Yongje Park comic series published by WEBTOON
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