The lifeless and weightless animation of the new Crunchyroll Original which consists of the animated adaptation of the manga by HiRock and illustrated by Shinya komi, EX-ARM, continues in its second episode, while some short girl-to-girl kisses and awkward fight scenes take place, moments so crucial in the manga that surely some wish they had been animated better.
Regarding the scene of the kiss between the two girls, it has been hidden under a light effect. Censorship? It is hard to believe, and some network users are certain that those in charge of the animation work to mention are completely new to the industry and had no idea how to make the animation of the lips and feel of course . Hence, it is likely that they decided to cover the scene with some light.
After all, EX-ARM has been broadcast in Japan since January 11th and confirmed with a total of twelve episodes Crunchyroll send at the same time. The series features worst debut rating on MyAnimeList this season, with 2.25 out of 10 points from a total of 6,792 ratings. Their lousy animation work, the rookie production team and the obviously precarious budget (where the department Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund involved) are obvious causes of all of his failures.
EX-ARM synopsis
2014: Akira Natsume appears to have an almost phobia of electronic devices while diagnosing it very well. One day he decides to change clothes to look better and have a girlfriend, just like his older brother … However, Akira suddenly dies in an accident.
16 years later, a special police officer and her Android companion recover and activate a highly developed artificial intelligence and super weapon called the EX-ARM and give her full control of her ship as a last resort. It turns out that the AI ββis actually Akira’s mind!
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