Back in October 2022, the animation powerhouse MAPPA dropped a bombshell on YouTube—the opening sequence for Tatsuki Fujimoto's anime adaptation, "Chainsaw Man." Featuring the banger "KICK BACK" by Kenshi Yonezu, it exploded across the internet, lauded for its cinematic nods, animation quality, and killer soundtrack.

Fast forward to now, and that same opening sequence has smashed the 100 million views milestone. The franchise's Twitter feed was buzzing with gratitude, tipping a hat to the fanbase's fierce loyalty.

Meanwhile, Fujimoto's original Chainsaw Man manga kicked off in Weekly Shonen Jump back in December 2018, wrapping up part one by December 2020. Part two shifted to the digital realm on Shonen Jump Plus, rolling out since July 2022. With a twelve-episode anime aired in Fall 2022 and a sequel film in the works, the hype train's not slowing down.

Chainsaw Man

Let's dive into the community's reactions to this epic opening sequence, which sliced its way into 2022's best:

  • "Hats off for hitting 100 million views. It was a standout opener in 2022 and goes down in history."
  • "Just like that, Chainsaw Man's opening hits 100 million. Easily the best opening ever."
  • "Finally, 100 million views. Kudos to the staff and Yamashita for this achievement."
  • "Out of all the stunning openings, this one first to rake in 100 million on YouTube, and some still sleep on Chainsaw Man? Ridiculous."
  • "Power and Denji as chaotic siblings and Aki's done with it all—never gets old."
  • "Fun fact: Kenshi Yonezu not only performed but also wrote and composed 'KICK BACK,' nailing the manga's vibe. Pure talent."
  • "The song nails the manga's tone—dark yet comic, sinister but smooth, chaotic yet personal. MAPPA nailed it."
  • "An iconic opening in history and the first Japanese song to go gold in the US."
  • "I'll always say it's the best anime opening ever. Deserves every view."
  • "Doubtful the second season's opener can match this. Eager to be proven wrong, but will the same team return?."
"A viral sensation, Chainsaw Man's opening sequence now boasts over 100 million views."

The question on everyone's lips: can the upcoming season's opening hold a candle to this masterpiece? The community waits with bated breath, hopeful yet skeptical.

With its blend of dark humor and visceral action, Chainsaw Man continues to carve its name into anime history. And with each milestone, it cements its legacy a little deeper.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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