With the debut of all the internal members of the Kara organization and the introduction of scientific ninja tools, the ship's story slowly began in the anime of Boruto: Naruto the next generations. However, it is still unclear what Jigen's plan is, and he doesn't seem too concerned about the ship's disappearance.

In contrast to the Akatsuki, the Kara organization appears to be a completely unstable group. Two Interiors, Victor and Deepa, have already been defeated while the others accuse each other of treason and conspiracy. But Jigen, their mysterious leader, seems whole sure of his plan and the ship's disappearance just seems like a boring little problem on its way.

Based on what we know so far, Jigen needs the ship to turn him into the ultimate ninja, an undeniable super weapon. Even though he sent Kashin Koji to find him, who in turn had entrusted the task to an outsider, Kara's leader was able to lead have a big surprise in store: a second ship hidden even from its subordinates.

In episode 185 of the sequel to Naruto, Code ambushes his boss and tries to convince him that he should be the one doing such an important mission. However, Jigen effortlessly avoids the attacks and sends the request back to the sender it serves a different purpose, a special project.

But why hasn't Jigen used him to support Kashin Koji because he's so fond of coming into the game? The most logical answer is this code It's not just a farmer be sent into battle but have a subordinate to defend and protect.

There would be more evidence to confirm this theory. When Delta and Code accuse each other of being traitors, the woman claims that the boy is the only one who draws Benefit from the disappearance of the container. And the response to these allegations is pretty strange.

There he has one Robot body designed by Amado'Code can be a weaker prototype of the missing ship. However, the fact that Jigen has not yet used it for his purposes makes Code second fiddle: an unsuitable instrument. The Kara organization takes action in Boruto's new information. The first fight of one of the protagonists in the synopsis of episode 189 of Boruto.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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