The most famous android couple is undoubtedly the one made up of the twins C17 and C18. In addition to being the only survivors in the world of Dragon Ball Z, have also become quite the protagonists of the new universe of Dragon Ball Super. In fact, the duo also participated in the Tournament of Power which ended precisely with C17 winner.

But going back to its origins, C17 and C18 they were rather cruel and for a long time they were the main antagonists of the saga of the Dragon Ball Z androids. The first clash with them saw C18 knock down Vegeta and from the following clash only Kulilin was saved. For months they sowed terror in human cities and in the future of Trunks they practically annihilated humanity’s strongest warriors.

Remembering them as they were in the early stages, the cosplayer Moneecastro decided to bring a cosplay of both C17 and C18. Through the photos that we see below, posted on the Instagram account of the model, we see her female version of C17, with her famous black dress and orange scarf around the neck but with a denim skirt. In the other two photos, instead, you can see the beautiful C18, one of the most cosplayed Dragon Ball Z characters, seen both from the front without a jacket and from the side with the famous denim jacket with the Red Ribbon logo. You liked these Dragon Ball Z cosplay C17 and C18?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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