Fans of Berserk are among the most passionate when it comes to the world of anime, especially after years of following the adventures of Gatsu and the Squad of Hawks. Fans are just celebrating after the latest installment in the series has been released!

The Berserk chapter actually made that understandable to us We are probably nearing the closure of this incredible dark fantasy operaand that means we will discover more of the world of Gatsu, Casca, Griffith and the apostles of the hand of God.

Fans defined this chapter a cliffhanger full of lore, a cliffhanger with the skull knight. There is something so important in this chapter that fans couldn't resist! On Twitter, they shared their funny reactions and shared breathtaking memes and screenshots.

Some fans commented on the new chapter with the words ""One thing I like about Miura's breaks is that I usually forget how beautifully drawn and composed the pages of Berserk are. With every new chapter I seem to rediscover my passion for this work. Chapter 363 is no exception.""

Unfortunately, the Berserker Manga will pause again after this chapter is published. What do you think of this new chapter from Berserk? Do you think we'll see the finale of this long-lasting masterpiece in the next few years? Let us know in the comments!

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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