This summer season, the anime is from Crafted in the Abyss with its second season, also produced by Kinema Citrus. The protagonists Riko and Reg have descended into the sixth layer of the Abyss, from which no one has ever returned alive. On the way down they found themselves in Ilblu, the bizarre rest village.

Especially in Ilblu Nanachi meets Mitty again, her dear friend who is regenerated by Belafu, one of the three sages of the village. The creature blessed by the Abyss then decides to sell itself to Belafu to be with her best friend and gives poor Riko such a nice cat to peel, who must make Nanachi give up her desire to stay in Ilblu. to drain

Nowadays the internet is going viral Photo of a Japanese omelet that looks like Mitty. As you can see in @tweetKevin Penkin At the bottom of this message, the omelet in question is a classic Japanese omurice, cut in half with two drops of ketchup for the eyes. No doubt: the Japanese dish is very similar to the creature cursed by the abyss.

What will be the fate of Nanachi and Mitty a The blue? In the last episode of Made in Abyss 2, whose duration has been announced, we will perhaps be able to witness the conclusion of its story, along with that of the many other events that opened in the anime from the work of the same name Akihito Tsukushi.

We leave you with episode 2x07 of Made in Abyss, perhaps the most disturbing of the anime.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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