Over the 26 years since it first appeared on the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, the franchise of Yu-Gi-Oh!born from the original idea of Kazuki Takahashi, has undergone many changes and counts numerous series with as many different protagonists, animated feature films, video games and other manga series.
From the adventure of Yugi in the first historical series the universe of Yu-Gi-Oh has taken more determined paths to further engage viewers in the trading card game, one of the most famous and played in the world, consistently investing in a continued expansion of decks and cards obviously inspired by the monsters and creatures featured in the various media will.
starting from April 21, 2022 will begin a new era of the franchise with the release of the first chapter of Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Stories on V-Jump, a manga centered on the adventure of Skybreaker Ace Rayeready to face numerous duels to protect her family.
To take care of is the script of the new manga Shinyoshidawho has helped write many episodes of anime and series such as Naruto, Big O, and Zone of the Enders, joined Naohito Miyoshi returned to the role of cartoonist, having previously worked on the animated series as a character designer. Finally, we leave you to the dark origins of Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0.