Written and illustrated on the official manga page by Arata Yamaji, Toaru Kagaku not an acceleratorthe cover of the twelfth and last compilation volume was published, which will be released in Japan on August 27th.

Yamaji started publishing this spin-off manga in the magazine Monthly comic Dengeki Daioh from the publisher Kadokawa in 2013 and ended on July 27th. The publisher published the eleventh volume on March 26.

The manga inspired an anime adaptation produced by the studios with twelve episodes. J.C. Employee, Led by Nobuharu Kamanaka and scripts from Kenji Yaegashi, released in July 2019.

Synopsis for Toaru Kagaku no accelerator

Academy City Espers are divided into six levels. Level 0 Espers are weak and have no power, but those belonging to Level 5 have great power and overwhelming abilities.

Of the millions of Espers living in the city, only seven have reached Level 5, and the highest of them is the well-known accelerator, the protagonist of history.

Accelerator has lived a relatively quiet life until he becomes involved in a new conflict due to plans to organize the sinister disciplinary measures that Last Order wants to use for a dangerous mission. After their plan is implemented, the security of Last Order and Academy City will depend on the most powerful Espera in the world.

© 鎌 池.馬 • 山路 新 • は い む ら き よ K K / KADOKAWA


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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