The manga written and illustrated by Yuuki Kikuchi, 100 Nichi Go ni Shinu Wani It has surpassed 350,000 copies in circulation since the publication of its only compilation volume on April 8.

100 Nichi Go ni Shinu Wani

Kikuchi began publishing the manga through his Twitter account in December 2019, and the final chapter was published on March 20. In fact, just as the translation of the title suggests (This crocodile will die in a hundred days), the author published a daily chapter for one hundred days coinciding with the events of the manga. The editorial Shogakukan He published the manga's compilation volume on April 8, which included a 28-page sequel.

The work will be adapted into an animated film, however no new production details or release dates for the project have been revealed.

Synopsis of 100 Nichi Go or Shinu Wani

The story focuses on the daily life of a crocodile, which could be considered normal for the reader if he did not know in advance that the crocodile will die in a hundred days, something that the character does not know. Without knowing this, the crocodile spends his days with his friends, making plans for the future or simply watching television.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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