On the official Twitter account for the magazine Time Kirara Forward manga from the publisher Houbunsha, it was announced that the manga written by Norimitsu Kaihou and illustrated by Sadoru Chiba, Gakkougurashi! will have a sequel.
This new manga will be titled Gakkougurashi! ~ Otayori ~ and will tell the future story of the protagonists of the main series. For their part, Kaihou and Chiba published the original manga in Manga Time magazine Kirara Forward of the Houbunsha publishing house between July 2012 and January 2020, with a total of twelve published compilation volumes.
The work inspired a twelve-episode manga adaptation produced by the studios. Lerche, under the direction of Masaomi Ando and scripts written by Norimitsu Kaihou, released in July 2015.
Synopsis of Gakkougurashi!
Meet the members of the School Life Club! The shovel lover (?) Kurumi Ebisuzawa; everyone's older sister Yuuri Wakasa; adviser Megumi Sakura; and last but not least, the always optimistic Yuki Takeya.
School Life Club is like any other club where girls get together, have fun ... and live like the last survivors of a zombie apocalypse!
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