In this year's third issue of the magazine Monthly Asuka from the publisher Kadokawa the last chapter of the manga written and illustrated by Yukiru Sugisaki, DNAngelafter more than 23 years in serialization. In commemoration, the author published two special illustrations by Daisuke Niwa in his alter ego Dark Mousy. In addition, the magazine commemorated the occasion with the franchise title on the cover.
Sugisaki started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly Asuka from the publisher Kadokawa in November 1997 and was serialized monthly through August 2005 when the series paused. After that, and after its resumption in 2008, the manga would go on several hiatuses until it was completed.
The piece inspired a 26-part anime adaptation by the studios. Xebec, Headed by Koji Yoshikawa and scripts from Naruhisa ArakawaA video game and a spin-off manga have also emerged from the literary franchise.
Synopsis of DNAngel
Daisuke Niwa is an ordinary student, albeit a little unhappy. On his fourteenth birthday, he fell ill with an "illness" that had affected the men in his family for three hundred years. When he sees his love interest, Risa, he transforms into his alter ego, the phantom thief "Dark Mousy". When "Dark Mousy" sees his own love interest, Risa's twin Riku unfortunately turns back into Daisuke. The only cure for this madness is if Daisuke makes Risa fall in love with him ...
Source: Official Twitter account
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