In the July issue of the magazine Dessert from the publisher Kodansha, it was revealed that the manga written and illustrated by I love you, Atsumori-kun no Oyome-san has entered its plot climax.

Taamo has published the manga in the Kodansha publisher's Dessert magazine since May 2018. The publisher published the fourth compilation volume on January 10.

Recently, the author began publishing a new manga titled Itoshi no Kanojo ga Kakure Otaku Datta, in the magazine Flowers from the publisher Shogakukan since last December.

Synopsis of Atsumori-kun no Oyome-san

Nishiki, who lives in the country, loves to study. But due to the arranged marriage that her parents have planned for her, she no longer feels comfortable at home, nor in her homeland. One day, he meets Atsumori, a high school student from Tokyo. Motivated by his own unique values, Atsumori suggests to Nishiki that they run away and get married.

© タ ア モ / 講 談 社 KODASNHA


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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