Written and illustrated on the official manga page by Rin Suzukawa, Asobi Asobasethe cover of the tenth compilation volume was published, which will be released in Japan on August 28.
Suzukawa started publishing manga in the magazine Cub from the publisher Hakusensha in June 2015. The publisher published the ninth volume on February 28th.
The work inspired an anime adaptation produced by the studios with twelve episodes. lark, Led by Seiji Kishi and scripts from Yuuko Kakihara, released in July 2018. An OVA episode was released in December of the same year.
Synopsis of Asobi Asobase
The story revolves around Hanako, Olivia and Kasumi, three female girls in their second year at a purely female high school and the only three members of the "Gamer Study Group", which in reality has not yet been validated by the board. College student. The club has very ambiguous goals, which are usually to play games and hobbies that girls suddenly come up with. That sounds quite normal, if not every one of these girls think has very special possibilities.
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