there Naruto story does not end with the 72-volume manga that Masashi Kishimoto drew for Weekly Shonen Jump between 1999 and 2014. No, that ninja world now continues with Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations, but there are also many other products that dramatically expand the story and lore, such as light novels.
For some time now, there has been talk of a manga adaptation of Naruto: The Story of Sasuke, one of the light novels set after the conclusion of the series but before the final chapter of the manga. This time it will be Sasuke Uchiha who has to save Naruto, suffers from a serious problem concerning the carrying capacities. The Uchiha ventures into the mysterious and isolated land of Redaku, where she must find a way to save her dear friend.
Now the manga is available on Manga Plus The first chapter of Naruto – Sasuke’s Heroic Feat: The Uchiha Spouses and the Starry Sky is out in English on the platform today, October 22, 2022, concurrent with the release in Japan on Shonen Jump+. The story is of course by Masashi Kishimoto and Jun Esaka, but mangaka Shingo Kimura took care of the design.
The first chapter is available, while the second will be released in two weeks, Saturday November 5, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.