It’s finally gone Bleach: Thousand Years of Blood Warthe new anime dedicated to the story of Tite Kubo, which will take care of the full adaptation of the latest narrative arc of the manga, left out of Studio Pierrot’s last project, completed in 2012. This means that all the characters we know are a lot back good.
Ichigo’s return has been linked to chaos in Karakura and Soul Society. Both sides must contend with new enemies who seemed defeated for millennia but have returned to carry out their final plan. In addition to the protagonist of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War, there are of course not only the Shinigami, but also the humans. So the presence of Inoue Orihime cannot be overlookedIchigo’s classmate, always cheerful and smiling, but also able to defend others thanks to her amazing powers.
It can be seen immediately in the first episode of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War, but also in the second. Before the Hueco Mundo invasion, let’s see it here smiling Inoue Orihime cosplay made by Seracoss, who also added all the foods that the girl brought to the protagonist for refreshment. Do you think the photo below is suitable to represent it? Inoue from Bleach?
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