On the official page for the manga written and illustrated by Inio Asano, Dededede-destruction of the dead dead demonIn collaboration with the computer manufacturer, a 40-second promotional video was released that was produced in 3DCG animation Mouse computer.
The video was produced by Kohta Moriewho recently worked on the Hungry Days campaign for the company Cup of noodles in collaboration with the franchise One pieceand also advertises the computer brand “DAIV” which is in development and has been used by author Asano for many years.
Asano started publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Big Comic Spirits from the publisher Shogakukan in April 2014. The publisher published the ninth compiled volume in December 2019. The work has been continually interrupted in the past for various reasons and indeed its original title should be Honobono Fuufu.
Synopsis of the Dededede destruction from Dead Dead Demon
Three years before the beginning of the manga story, a large spaceship appears over Tokyo. An unjust unilateral war against harmless aliens continues to spark a wave of demonstrations and great controversy.
Despite this unique and tragic event, the students Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing had happened. They go on with their lives as always. Therefore, the focus of this manga is not on the alien invasion, but on human nature, dialogue, growth and life itself.
Source: official page
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