On the official Twitter account for the manga adaptation of light novels by Hitoma Iruma and illustrated by No N., Adachi to Shimamura, responsible for Moke Yuzuharathe cover of the second compilation volume was unveiled, which will be released on October 10th.
Additionally, it was announced that this volume will have a limited edition version that will include an acrylic plate with the image shown above. Yuzuhara started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly comic Dengeki Daioh from the publisher Kadokawa in May 2019. The publisher published the first compiled volume in November 2019.
On the other hand, Iruma and Non started publishing the light novels through the publishing label Dengeki Bunko from the publisher Kadokawa in March 2013. The publisher published the eighth volume in May 2019. An anime adaptation of the light novels produced by the studios Tezuka Productions, Headed by Satoshi Kuwabara and scripts written by Keiichirou Ouchi, is slated to premiere in Japan on October 8th.
Synopsis from Adachi to Shimamura
Adachi and Shimamura, two girls who go to the same school and are inseparable friends. Whether you’re playing tennis, talking about your favorite TV shows, or just relaxing, you’re always together. When Adachi realizes that she has a physical attraction for Shimamura, will her entire relationship change, will it be for better or for worse?
Source: Official Twitter account
© from 柚 原 も 著 (著), 入 間 原著 (原著), の ん (イ ラ ス ト, デ ザ イ /) / KADOKAWA