Shoji Saito is a designer known for his work at High School of the Dead and other mangas, including Triage X, which was created in collaboration with Kenji Saito. The duo are returning to Italy thanks to Planet Manga, which will release the manga in a live broadcast that also revealed Spy x Family Magical girl howling at the moon.
During the presentation, Panini Comics released some details on the volumes of Saito's work. The The first volume of Magical Girl Howling Moon will be published in November 2020 with a cost price of 7 euros, but also receives a certain variant coverage. This is confirmed by the famous cosplayer Giada Robin as she will be on the cover.
Panini Comics and Giada Robin have announced this collaboration, in which the Italian model is the official cosplayer of Kaguya, the protagonist of Magical Girl Howling Moon, and the Photos of this cladding will be the cover of the variant edition. It will be the first time that such a cover variant has made its debut in Italy, and there is sure to be attention for this special advertising step by Panini Comics.
Are you interested in Magical Girl Howling Moon and will you buy the first volume in November when it arrives at the comic book stores?
View this post on Instagram🇮🇹SUPER NEWS !!! I have just returned from the "Holidays" and can finally announce it: I will be on the cover of a manga !!! 😱😍. From the creators of "High School of the Dead" is "Magical Girl Howling Moon", a brand new manga that is depopulated in Japan and will also be released in Italy in November. Is that my business? Strange but true. I was chosen as the OFFICIAL COSPLAYER by the protagonist Kaguya! 🎉I am making the costume and a VARIANT of the manga is printed on the cover with my cosplay !!! To accompany me on this project, there is @ 📸. Thank you @panini_comics and @panini_planetmanga for this great opportunity! You cannot imagine how happy I am. I've been reading comics since I was a little girl, and cosplaying to me was a bit like becoming the characters I loved so much. Things happened in those years and I had a lot of satisfaction, but never I would have expected to be on the cover of a comic someday. Life is really incredible 😭🙏. What do you think is a completely new thing for the Italian audience (for the first time a cosplay version of a manga is made)? * _ *. #magicalgirl #newmanga #paninicomics #planetmanga #mangacollection #mangalover #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaymodel #cosplaygirl #cosplayphotography