Gintama is a historical anime and manga. Hideaki Sorachi started this release a few years ago, in Weekly Shonen Jump in late 2003, in a series of serializations that also brought the legend Death report. However, Sorachi's manga lasted much longer than Gintama ended up with over 700 chapters last year.

Announced a few months ago, an anime will be released for Gintama in 2021, which still confirms how much fans are interested in the story of Gintoki Sakata. The leader of the Yorozuya, author of many bizarre and ridiculous adventures, but also participant in events that could change the fate of the earth, is a figure who has meanwhile become an icon for Japan. Now its absence is felt after an apparition that lasted over 16 years.

Thanks to his disguise, the Japanese cosplayer Yosuke tries at least a little to correct this deficiency. Published a few weeks ago on his Instagram account, the post col Gintoki Sakata Cosplay is visible below. The character here looks a bit more mature and maybe even more seductive than its anime and manga counterpart, which often looked funnier, but the rest seems particularly apt. They were happy to check Gintoki da Gintama?

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Eat strawberry cupcake 🤤🍓 Photo: @ shinryu.s. #gintama #gintoki #sakatagintoki # 銀 魂 # 銀 cos #cosplay #gintamacosplay #sgcosplay

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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