The Android saga marked a new cycle in Dragon Ball Z. After the tough Namek saga in which Goku and Frieza faced each other, at that moment the two strongest beings in the entire universe, Akira Toriyama decided to bring everything back to earth and bring it back again in vogue a group of enemies who seemed long forgotten.
The Red Ribbon, commanded by General Red, was gone, but some members remained in the shadows. That Doctor Frost He decided to start his revenge by deepening the Android program that had already been glimpsed with the C8 project aka Ottone. His strongest creatures managed to wreak havoc on Earth, so Trunks has traveled back in time to warn his father and the other Z-Warriors.
With this process, according to Doctor Gelo, who Debut of the cyborgs C17 and C18, two android twins who will then pass alongside the protagonists of Dragon Ball. Let's focus on the Gemini: blond, blue eyes and a look that immediately enchants Krillin. Melissa Lissova concentrates on her work two cosplays of C18 with two different outfitsthe first and second we see in Dragon Ball Z.
Below are the two pictures, which version do you like best? And did you know the real name of C18?
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