On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation by Yojouhan Time Machine Blues (Tatami Time Machine Blues), the continuation of Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei (The Tatami Galaxy), it was announced that the series will debut on September 14 in the catalog of DisneyPlus in Japan (will also be distributed worldwide at a date to be confirmed), according to the following schedule:

  • 14.09 - Episode 1.
  • 09/21 - Episode 2.
  • 09/28 – Episode 3.
  • 5th October - Episode 4.
  • October 12 ° – Episodes 5 and 6.

The project includes a film version, which will be released in Japanese cinemas on September 30, and a six-part series, which will be distributed exclusively this year on the Disney Plus platform, also in Japan. The episode version of Yojouhan Time Machine Blueswhich is based on the novel written by Tomihiko Y makoto ueda and illustrated by Yusuke Nakamuraalso includes an exclusive story not included in the theatrical version.

Yojouhan Time Machine Blues

the first novel, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei (The Tatami Galaxy), inspired his own eleven-episode anime adaptation produced by studios crazy houseLed by Masaaki Yuasa and scripts written by makoto uedapublished in April 2010. Finally, this new novel was published in Japan on July 29, 2020 and is inspired by the play by makoto ueda, Summer time machine blues. Morimi wrote the novel and Ueda, a close friend of the author, is credited with the original concept.

production team

  • Shingo Natsume (ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka, Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019), One Punch Man, Sonny Boy) who collaborated Masaaki Yuasa In the first production he is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Science SARU.
  • makoto ueda (Penguin Highway, Rilakkuma to Yuuenchi, Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
  • Yusuke Nakamura (Atarashii Sekai, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei, Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome) is responsible for character design.

Yojouhan Time Machine Blues Summary

Yojouhan Time Machine Blues is set on a muggy summer's day when Ozu, the protagonist's "terrible friend," accidentally drowns his apartment's only remote control for the air conditioner. Discussing their situation with Akashi, the protagonist's raven-haired love interest, and a carefree college student who travels 25 years into the future, the protagonist arranges to borrow her time machine in order to wrest control of the past before it breaks.

Font: Official Twitter account

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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