The university for poor Shinichi Sakurai, a third-year student who has gotten away with doing everything on his own without too much company, has completely changed since his kohai Hana Uzaki became aware of his presence. From this moment to the days of Uzaki-chan wants to hang out.

Already in the first season of Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out, the purpose of this life piece with romcom colors was immediately clear. It's now the time of anime with the rowdy protagonists like Uzaki and Nagatoro enjoying great success. So it's no coincidence if Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out is getting a second season. The news had been made official for years, starting in 2020, but Covid-19 thwarted the study's plans. But now the debut is getting closer.

With the Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out Season 2 Trailer We see Uzaki and Shinichi face off again with new daily challenges where the girl has to keep her senpai away from loneliness. Between bowling, excursions of all kinds - also at Christmas time -, maid dresses and much more, a new turbulent season awaits you. Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out will be released in Fall 2022then in a few months, and below is the new presentation poster of the series.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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