Kawaki's saga at Ninja Academy is about to change. In September, the anime series of Boruto: Naruto the next generations leads to unexpected changes. Will Kawaki be exposed soon?

Episode 261 of Boruto began a new narrative arc focused entirely on Kawaki and Himawari, the little girl from Uzumaki who finally decided to become a kunoichi. The two half brothers are classmatesKonoha Ninja Academy, where Kawaki is on a top secret mission. The Seventh Hokage has entrusted him with the task of guarding the Princess of Bamboo Land, who is staying at the Leaf as a foreign student.

Kawaki slowly befriended Kae, who initially had trouble opening up to his comrades. However, it seems so soon Kawaki has to throw off the mask and reveal his true goal. Here's what will happen in episodes 264-265 Boruto.

Episode 266, titled "Himawari Kidnapping Incident," will air on September 11. Who will ever dare Kidnap Hokage Naruto's daughter and why will he do it? This disaster will unleash the wrath of Kawaki, who will try to save his half-sister before coming to find out about his father.

On August 18th, the original saga will continue with episode 267 entitled "Kawaki Reveals His Identity!?". For an unspecified reason Kawaki will be forced to spit it out. How will Kae react to this bitter truth and how will their relationship change?

Finally, Episode 268, entitled "The Targeted School Festival," will air on September 25th. A is organized in Ninja Academy School festivalIs the school year coming to an end?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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