The anime of attack on Titan will be completed in early 2023. The latest events in the story of Eren and his companions are also brought to the big screen by MAPPA Studio, who did a great job with the final season of the anime. The gap to previous seasons produced by Wit Studio is clear and compelling.

In the final episodes we will see one of the most shocking scenes drawn by the author Hajime Isayama. Eren, with his army of colossal giants, will indeed slay an enormous crowd of innocent civilians, including two boys he had spoken to briefly on the Marley continent.

During an interview with the creator of Vinland Saga Makoto Yukimura Hajime Isayama was asked exactly about this scene. The author of the manga about the Vikings actually addressed these words to Isayama: "I was shocked by the scene where refugee children were crushed. I was appalled that these children were born to die like this. That clearly shows the sinfulness of what Eren did, doesn't it?"

Isayama's answer also includes a comparison between Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga: "Exactly. When it comes to how difficult it is to atone for sins, I think the last volume of the Vinland Saga had a different purpose. It has taken a long time to fully portray Thorfinn's character and suffering. That's how I learned the importance of layering the story to create a moving scene. I'm sure readers who have followed Thorfinn's entire journey will have understood the weight of his redemption."

Are you ready for the finale of Attack on Titan anime? And for the very close Vinland Saga manga?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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