Lapin Track Studio, known for “Undead Girl Murder Farce” and “Koichimin Series,” has been announced as the animation production house for the upcoming adaptation of the hit romantic comedy manga “You and I Are Polar Opposites” (Seihantaina Kimi to Boku). The series is scheduled to premiere in , according to the official website announcement.

Manga Success and Recognition

The original manga, created by Kōcha Agasawa, has achieved remarkable success since its inception. After debuting as a one-shot in , the series launched on Shueisha’s Shonen Jump Plus platform in and recently concluded. Its popularity is evidenced by impressive accolades, including:

  • Third place in the 2023 Manga Taisho Awards
  • Second place in the 2022 Next Manga Awards
  • Over 1.35 million copies in circulation

You and I are Polar Opposites

Publication Details

The manga has been compiled into seven volumes, with the final volume released by Shueisha on . English-language readers can access the series through Shueisha’s MANGA Plus service, where it has been available since .

Story Overview

“You and I Are Polar Opposites” follows the story of Suzuki, an outgoing girl who tends to follow the crowd, and her growing interest in Tani, her reserved but genuine classmate. The anime explores their evolving relationship as they navigate life’s challenges and romantic developments, offering readers a realistic and heartwarming romantic comedy experience.

With the announcement of the anime adaptation, fans can look forward to seeing how Lapin Track Studio brings this beloved manga to life. The studio’s track record with character-driven series suggests a promising adaptation of this popular romantic comedy.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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