The Mysterious Night of Faust is a character who recently appeared in Black Clover. However, the manga has given this individual plenty of space in the last few chapters, placing him at the center of the new phase in which the final conflict between the kingdom of Clover and that of Spade takes place.
Indeed, Nacht was the orchestrator of the attack and the informant who revealed all the important data to be successful defeat the Dark Triad and their evil plan to bring demons into the human world. The final chapter of Black Clover, however, had put Nacht in a difficult position: the two high-ranking demons evoked were actually two hard bones.
Before Yuki Tabata launched a suicide attack, he presented a retrospect to Nacht and then properly scouted it Black clover 286. Night and morning are the two twins of the Faust family: the first is a criminal hated by everyone, the second is a respected magical knight and possesses a magic of light. At 18, when it looked like Tomorrow would take over the house, his parents call Nacht and discover that he is the one best placed to continue the Faust Line.
In fact, this noble house is engaged in demonology, a branch of magic that studies demons. Because of his talent Nacht is convinced to call Lucifugus, one of the strongest demons in existence. However, the ritual makes everyone disappear around night except his brother Morgen, who infiltrated and tried to stop everything.
At the expense of his life Tomorrow the ritual ends and night will be the only survivor of the houseand eventually led him to become the Black Clover character we know in the present. Now is it his turn to sacrifice himself for others like his twin did?