The noblest and most magnanimous warrior of the goddess Athena is ready to deliver his strongest blow in this mythical collectible resin statue from FOC Studio. Available in two variants, the price to take this figure home with you The zodiac knights exceeds 500 euros.

The first version of the statue of Aiolia, Ioria in Italian historical dub, sees the Golden knight without a helmet, held so often on the left arm. While charging a blow, the Rifle Knight’s brother dons his blue cloak and defends the rubble of his home.

In the second version, the more expensive one, the head of the noble Lion Knight is covered by his beautiful helmet. In contrast to the first variant in this figure Charge the flash plasma, a skill that can break any defense.

The price for the two statues, which can already be pre-ordered and are both around 34 centimeters high, is each 450 euros and 520 euros. Which of the two do you prefer? Would you like to add them to your collection? If you’re a collector, don’t miss this half-length bust of The Knights of the Zodiac depicting Aiolos del Sagittarius. Yamato Video has announced that The Knights of the Zodiac is back on Italia 2.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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